A Rainbow of Orchids

A Rainbow of Orchids

Here’s some Friday eye candy from my visit to the New York Botanical Garden’s Orchid Show. Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to...

Window Pane Picture Frame

If you love antiques, like I do, this is a great project that you can complete in a few days.  My husband and I found this old barn window at a local flea market and I decided to turn it into a collage of our favorite family photos. I love when I can re-purpose old...
The Garden, as the beginning

The Garden, as the beginning

As I sit quietly outside and soak in the sunshine and cool breeze, it occurred to me that most of the lessons I’ve learned in life, have had their foundation in the mindset of everything beginning in a garden. Think about it, in the center of the garden stood the tree...
It’s a Pinterst Party

It’s a Pinterst Party

It’s no secret that I love to create things from scratch.  Since childhood, it was always more fun to make things with my own hands than it was to go out and purchase it. About a year ago, my daughter introduced me to the very popular “Pinterest”...