MEDIA MONDAY | I Choose You By Sarah Kroger

by | Feb 26, 2024 | Sowing Seeds Of Faith | 0 comments

As we say goodbye to this month, my reflections continue on my chosen word of the year – “Romance.” In my prayers and contemplation, the concept of intimacy has woven itself into my thoughts. I am discovering that the stillness I often grapple with is a focal point that God is highlighting as I dig deeper into my intimacy with Him. At the same time, my focus extends to my marriage, where the call to sacrificial love surfaces.

Recently, I stumbled upon a captivating magazine article from years past that presented a Roman Rite for Marriage, leaving me awe-struck. It’s a wonder why this rite has seemingly faded from many Catholic weddings. For those interested, I’ve shared the document in my February Newsletter, which you can subscribe to here. I can’t help but wonder how many, like myself, may not fully grasp the depth of the sacrificial love expected as they approach the altar.

In reflecting on the journey of my own marriage, a song by Sarah Kroger has become my anthem for the month. It serves as a fresh reminder that the true essence of a covenant marriage is revealed through the trials and struggles, and our responses shape where the bond truly takes root. As two initially selfish young individuals navigating uncharted waters, we gradually learned the profound meaning of selfless sacrifice to sustain our union.

We had a choice

And so we made it

The vow is love

Let nothing break it

It’s become clear that the emotion of love is a secondary position, with its foundation being the conscious choice to love. It is in this intentional decision, through daily acts of prioritizing another’s needs over our own wants, that love flourishes. This deliberate and selfless choice is the fertile ground where love not only grows but also deepens. It is in this sacred space of choosing love over and over that we find the heart of God.

“For God so loved ME, that He gave His one and only Son,

that I who believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

So, I resonate with these sentiments not only for my husband but also in my role as a bride to God.

I will choose to love

I will choose to serve you

I will choose to follow

when I do not know the way

I will choose your heart

I will choose to open mine

I will let you choose to love me every day


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