Healthy Harvest Weekly Highlight

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner and February being National Heart Month, I thought it would be an appropriate time to add a weekly feature to this blog.  Introducing, the Healthy Harvest Weekly Highlight. I don’t claim to be a nutrition guru,...

A Farmer’s Life For Me…

While the gang watched the Super Bowl last night, I amused myself with a stack of reading materials.  My eyes would look up when the commercials came on and although not impressed with most of them, I did find two very heartwarming.  The Clydesdale Budweiser...

More Than Playing In The Dirt

One of my fondest memories of childhood was cooking with the old metal kitchen set that was nestled under the trees in my family’s backyard.  It was the center of hours of outdoor fun for me and my neighborhood friends.  Collecting rich dirt from my mother’s garden,...

Rewards of the Harvest

My garden has taken on many looks over the years.  It’s gone from a large garden with a great variety of vegetables, to a pile of weeds (they were the years of too much multi-tasking and not enough tending) to its present state of small and manageable for my...