Freedom. Such a simple two-syllable word. For many Americans living in the “land of the free and the home of the brave,” it is a cherished, almost sacred word. It is a forceful word that captures a central belief that separates Americans from most other cultures, as...
ROOTED IN PRAYER | In Thanksgiving For Gardens

ROOTED IN PRAYER | In Thanksgiving For Gardens

God of grace, in the story of creation, you made the earth a garden and entrusted it to us to till and to keep, a place of peace and beauty where we could walk with you. In the story of redemption, the one who died for us was buried in a garden, and there you raised...

Mother’s Day | Now, I Understand

Mum,There is so much I didn’t understand back then, but now I do.I never understood why sometimes you would look at me for the longest time.Now I know, you were wanting time to stand still.I never understood why sometimes you would sit with your head in your hands.Now...