Garden Planning Part III –

Garden Planning Part III –

April 2, 2013 – that is the date of the last garden planning post I actually wrote regarding the changes to our backyard vegetable garden.  For those of us who take our gardening seriously, have mercy on me, as you would understand how the act of gardening and...

Healthy Harvest Highlight: Tomatoes

This morning I picked what will probably be the last of the tomatoes from my garden. I must admit, it made me kind of sad.  Here in the Northeast, the season is rather short for tomatoes. I wait anxiously for the first of these beautiful fruit to appear each summer...

I had to laugh when I saw this – I’ve been so busy with the construction of the new garden that I haven’t had the opportunity to stay up to date with my blog.  My apologies to all of my followers.  As new growth is happening outside, there’s...

The Organized Gardener

Well, I’m not sure  that the title of this post is an accurate one when it comes to gardening.  My belief about gardening is that it is a more free spirited act, well at least when it comes to being immersed in digging in the dirt and inhaling the fresh, clean...