by | Apr 13, 2023 | Nourishment For The Soul | 0 comments


I’ve had a few social media posts this week around relationships and who we surround ourselves with.  To some, this may be obvious, but I cannot tell you how many clients I talk to who are challenged in succeeding in their goals because of how they respond to their surroundings, whether in health or in life.

unrecognizable upset lady embracing knees sitting on chair
Photo by Liza Summer on

I often hear:

I cannot be happy in this job because of the people I work with.

I cannot lose weight because I don’t have support at home.

I cannot get out of this horrible mood because ______ makes me miserable.

He/She drives me crazy; I always feel worthless around them?

I hate family gatherings because there’s always a fight.

My response is usually,

“If you continue surrounding yourself with ____, how will that provide you with
the change you are looking to make in your life?”

Wellness – whether physical, emotional, or spiritual – begins with awareness.  The fact that we notice those statements above, should highlight an area of life that’s standing in the way of our own purpose and happiness. 

So what do we do with that information?

We learn how to take control of the emotions around the events, situations, or people that impact the outcome.  We learn about reaction vs response.

man and woman sitting on bench
Photo by Vera Arsic on

If we ignore our feelings or allow these emotions to run our lives, we can find ourselves in a deep state of emotional mismanagement. I’m sure you’ve heard that our emotions drive us toward a fight, flight, or freeze response.  Those emotional triggers can send your hormones into overdrive and become a huge contributor to either radiant health or destructive disease. 

There’s a lot of neuroscience around the emotional programming that happens deep within our brains and I’m not here to go into those details, but our awareness around those stressful or uncomfortable encounters provides a great place to start taking control of our thoughts. 

One simple tip to start that process is to become curious.  Emotional awareness simply starts with noticing the emotion, identifying it, and paying attention to what it feels like in your body.  Don’t judge these feelings, simply notice them.  When you begin to feel like you want to dig a little deeper, start with a few curious questions:

woman closing her eyes against sun light standing near purple petaled flower plant
Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi on

Why am I feeling this way?  Are there other situations, in my life, where I’ve felt like this before?

Is this a pattern?  Where else do I feel this?

Again, simply sit with that awareness.  If you are a person of faith, invite God into that discussion.  Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to understand what it is God wants you to see.  Is this feeling true (supported by Scripture) or a lie of the enemy?  

Once you uncover some of those answers, you can move into a place of either acceptance or change.  Begin by asking  -”Is this situation, event or person in my control?” Or  “Is this situation, event, or person supporting the person I want to be?”  

multiracial couple giving high give standing near pile of boxes
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on

As you grow in awareness around those situations, events or people, who you believe are sabotaging your progress and you start the work of taking control of your own responses you may find that you need some help exploring how to move forward into action around your own personal situation.  As a Catholic Life & Certified Wellness Coach, I’m trained to listen deeply, help you understand the obstacles working against you, dial into what you want and then create focused steps to move forward.  

Book a FREE Discovery call today and see if Coaching is the right fit for you. 

Getting to the Root of Change and helping you LOVE the season of life you’re in.
I hope you enjoyed your visit here today.  If you did, please share your thoughts in the comments below. If you know someone who might enjoy it, would you consider sharing with them or on your social media accounts using the hashtag #gardenerstouch. 


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